Сайт учителя английского языка
и заместителя директора по УР
МКОУ Столбовской СОШ
Чепель Ольги Вячеславовны
Дорогой гость!
Я рада, что вы заглянули на мой сайт и искренне надеюсь, что вы сможете найти здесь полезную для себя информацию. Я надеюсь, мой сайт будет интересен как начинающим, так и опытным коллегам, а также учащимся и всем, кто изучает английский язык.
"Personal site:
for and against"
Today is not all understand it. And tomorrow everyone will understand. But just the maximum benefit have those who have previously understood.
Today, the Web site or blog is not an attribute only the company, serious about business, this opportunity to tell the world about yourself. About their business, their interests, their family, their achievements, their dreams ....
This is an opportunity to find new partners, clients, friends and hundreds of thousands of miles away, because the Internet is no such thing as distance. The information you place on your site will be equally available in both Paris and New York, and Vladivostok, and in Shanghai ... In short, everywhere! Why not?
The answer is simple. Your blog, blog, or website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without a break for lunch and seven days a week. And all this time, i.e. it always tells visitors about you, about your interests, about your company, your suggestions, news, and how you can be reached or leave a comment.